diumenge, d’octubre 18, 2009

A Decadent Nobel

Feia temps que no llegia un article tan ben fet, tan ben estructurat, amb unes idees tan clares i amb una temàtica tan bona. Recomano la seva lectura. Poso l'inici, un paràgraf del cos i el final:
  • So Donald Rumsfeld was right about Old Europe

  • Old Europe now lives in a world of unpayable public pension obligations, weak job creation for its youngest workers, below-replacement birth rates, fat agricultural subsidies for farms dating to the Middle Ages, high taxes to pay for the public high-life, and history's most crucial proof of decay—the inability to finance one's armies.

  • In the West, only the U.S. president can still make decisions based on hard facts rather than recede into soft moralism. The day that is no longer true, the U.S. will finally deserve a decadent Nobel.