diumenge, de gener 04, 2009

Occident està amb Israel

El silenci és Israel. El silenci d'Obama, el silenci de Bush, el silenci d'UN, el silenci britànic, el silenci europeu, el silenci saudí, el silenci egipci, el silenci kuwaïtí, el silenci jordà, el silenci de ZP, el silenci de Montilla... són els silencis per no sortir malparats, però el seu alè dóna suport a Israel davant el terrorisme en aquest món. Hamàs ha de desaparèixer.

Fatah officials in Ramallah told The Jerusalem Post that Hamas militiamen had been assaulting many Fatah activists since the beginning of the operation last Saturday. They said at least 75 activists were shot in the legs while others had their hands broken.
"Hamas is very nervous, because they feel that their end is nearing," a senior Fatah official said. "They have been waging a brutal campaign against Fatah members in the Gaza Strip."